Sunday, August 9, 2009

draft 3

“Priya! Save yourself, Run!” shouted Priya’s mother. The fire that was burning their home was getting hotter and stronger by the second. The house came tumbling down as the fierce flames swallowed the house.

As the house came tumbling down in front of Priya’s eyes. Her eyes wildered with tears and it went trickling down her bruised cheeks. As worry and fear. Priya’s parents slowly appeared out of the forest near the crashed house. She ran to them as though it was the first time she had met them in a long time.

The memory of the very incidents stays vivid in her mind every time the name Sinhalese was muttered. The feeling of hatred had grown so much in her heart since the incident. She will never forget the unreasonable images of her house tumbling down before her eyes and the hardship her parents had gone through after that.

Priya’s dream of becoming a successful diplomat was erased the moment the incident happened. She had sworn to get her revenge on the Sinhalese. She felt she had not done any harm to the Sinhalese. They destroyed many homes, hopes, dreams and hard work. They did not spare a thought for those who were innocent.

Priya had great goals that she wanted to achieve. She was good in class and was definitely someone who can benefit the country in the future. However, when the Tamil tigers sent a messenger to recruit people who were interested in joining them Priya set aside her dreams in order to get the justice she wanted. She joined the Tamil tigers and trained hard as all she had in mind was to fight for those who she knew were innocently accused. She felt even worse as time went by and stayed longer with the Tamil Tigers as she saw more than just the people she knew get innocently killed. There had even been those who were babies their parents were attacked and were brought to the Tamil Tigers.

A few years, passed and her rank got higher where she was able to join to fight against the Sinhalese.”Priya, get yourself ready we are about to go for it. Remember who you are doing this for and what purpose and keep yourself alive for as long as you can. Good luck. ” advised her senior who was going with her. Priya nodded and grabbed her gun with pride as she knew she was fighting for the better of her people.

The fight had started and there were bloodshed everywhere. The loud gunfire was heard everywhere. Everyone was fighting for their lives. Priya tried to keep herself safe. As gave her perfect shot to the enemy she felt a sudden rush of pain that was unexplainable on her below chest area. Priya fell straight to the ground and the medics came. She was immediately sent to the hospital and was warded. They were able to get the bullet out but were not sure how long she would be in coma.

Her parents stayed there day and night to stay with her in case she woke up at any point of time. It was about the end of her second week of coma and suddenly Priya gained consciousness. Her parents cried tears of happiness to see their daughter alive as though it was the first day she was born.

Priya had some disability because of her wound however she overcame it. She knew her pain was worth it because the Sinhalese government was afraid of losing too many people. The government gave up and the Tamils won.


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