Sunday, August 23, 2009


the story book that i read for the secong book review would be a book " skunk girl". this book is about a pakistani muslim girl home have been going through some hormonial changes that she seems to take it as an disadvantage. it was one day when she went home and she realised she had a wide line of soft dark hair running from the nape of her neck down to the base of her spine. she was unhappy with her body and was made fun of so she tried waxing the hairline of which juast left her with a rash. this book thoguht me how to love myself just the way i am and to be happy that i am me. i should not care what other people say about me and this applies to many teenagers that are realising they have been putting on wieght or may not be growing. we should not let people judge us and not judge ourselves either we should be happy the way we are and learn to accept our bady.


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